
Angora Rabbits are so hot right now

Perhaps Jessica has been reading the old blog. Or maybe she was thinking, "Fuck you Nick Lachey. You stared at porn stars doin' it, so I'm going to go pay money to watch three dudes do penis tricks. Suck it."

Normally, I don't give a shit about the new Real World, but DUDE, Cuddle Cards??? I guess Shavonda's (ex)boyfriend Shaun "gushes over them." I was thinking, what is this cuddle card? Could it inspire some personal gushing? I'll let you be the judge. Also-- Shavonda? FYI: Landon looks like a turd with a curly combforward. I can only hope you will not touch his nether regions this season.

Also, in my favorite sort of news-- the who gives a shit kind-- Liza Minelli is EN FUEGO!! First, she began beating up her lady friend ex-husband David Gest. Now, her personal assistant is suing her for beating the shit out of him. She also got crazy at an Outkast party in North Carolina (Third item from bottom). I wonder who she beat up there. Big Boi, perhaps?

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