While Good Plastic Surgery extols the virtues of well done boob jobs, Tara Reid subjected the American public to a really ugly boob (NSFW). I wonder how she didn't notice that shit hanging out all over the place. Seriously. Here's a film of it (via Gawker).
And not to be outdone, at the same party, Paris took it a step further. Could someone get this girl a pair of undies, please? (NSFW)
Some comments if I may:
1. The Tara Reid boob wasn't that ugly persay, but there were clear signs of a re-attached nipple. It was very weird looking, to say the least.
2. That cat is the coolest looking cat ever. No matter how far removed from kindergarten I am, funny cat pictures remain funny.
3. I saw the Tara Reid boob at home. I am now at work and unable to click on the Paris link. Total bummer.
that is a rabbit.
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