
Real World Landon and Bachelor Bob; Separated at birth?

Thank god for VH1. How else would I have become aware of the remarkable resemblance between Bachelor Bob-- the fat dude that Trista rejected the first time around-- and Landon from the Philadelphia Real World-- the drunken fratboy douche? See, they've been playing some countdown of Best of 2004 Red Carpet Moments all day, and wouldn't you know, Bachelor Bob is one of the commentators. I hadn't thought about him since he broke up with one of the chicks from the show and then married some other chick from a soap opera. I was thinking about how he has severe weenie face when I thought of a more recent weenie face with the requisite pubic hair head-- Landon. Oh wow. I had to share the shocking similarities between the horse abuser and world famous musician and author.

You be the judge:

Need a GIF of your favorite pubically follicled horse abuser? Look no further...


Anonymous said...

Landon abused a horse? Please explain.

cielo said...

I believe Landon punched the horse in the face after it called him Pubeyhead.