
99 bottles of Coke on the wall.

It wasn't until this weekend that I snapped out of the strange spell I like to call the shrug sweater. It started with a mild interest in capelets (NOT PONCHOS!). I would think, "You know, those really aren't so bad," all the while fully accepting that they only looked good in magazines, ie highly styled pics of models on barcaloungers. I'd see some around, stare at the beadwork and think, "meh. whatevs." I repeatedly witnessed shrug wearers and knotted sweater wearers all over this lovely town I live in. The same. Sort of ok, not great, but not so bad. I was beginning to feel like I was accepting of this weird article of clothing. Like that I wouldn't make a shit smelling face every time I saw one. In fact, I met a lady that wore them with such panache, I thought about getting a black cashmere knot front kind just like the one she was wearing.
But then the bubble burst.
It burst so fast it made me wonder how the shrug/cropped sweater had managed to weasle its way into my fashion consciousness. I saw a girl in town that was wearing a cable knit version. It hit me. It really made her look like a linebacker, an armed meatball with thick gauge fuzz. Then I saw another. It was a vision of what not to wear. For those of you that are proud shrug wearers, I salute you. If you look good in one, I cheer you. But the rest of you, I encourage you to refrain. Fight the urge, ok?

Skeet on Mischa brings an informed preliminary review of the Life Aquatic. Here are some more from Ain't It Cool News. I'm holding out.
Trailer 1. Trailer 2.


Anonymous said...

The dark haired one in the red and black is you.

cielo said...

No way. I don't play sports.

Anonymous said...

No, I'm pretty sure that's you. I can see your keyboard in the background.

cielo said...

That's no Casio, playa. Not me. Sorry.