
All Warm and Fuzzy.

In tiny baby and fluffy kitten news, I discovered these really, really awesome toys before I got sick in Japan: Hidamari no Tami. They were designed for people who work in offices all day who need to relax. You are supposed to put business cards on them (seeing as business cards are incredibly important in terms of status and recognition over there. I just like them because they may be the most awesome adult toy ever created. all it does is bobs its head side to side in the most gentle, ambient way. Since it is solar powered, it will run constantly... you will never get sick of it. I ordered one off of Ebay. I'm still waiting, Mr. Hong Kong.

Did you know you can record shit with your Ipod? That you could actually get music off of your Ipod? Or maybe that you could change the GRAPHICS to something as obvs as Hello Kitty (maybe a pic of Kim Jong Il or Jake Gyllenhall is in order)? Hmm? Are you fully paddling your pud?

Have you ever pondered the inner workings of the call girl industry circa 1998?

For those of you wondering what Brad has been up to since he and Jennifer stopped getting matching highlights, I offer you this: Brad Pitt at the Orange Bowl... totally stoned.

Liquid Generation. I could spend hours playing "Whose Boobs" (I'm really good!). Or staring down Rodney Dangerfield.


Anonymous said...

Nate has one of those in his office.

Anonymous said...

Fatface Thorpe says-
Man is Brad Pitt high in that picture. We're talking Snoop Dogg style high. Or maybe even Bob Marley. Like his mouth is so dry his tongue just can't unstick itself from anything so the resulting speech just sounds like mumbles. Yowzas.

Anonymous said...

That is the funniest thing I have ever read.