
They gave me a buck, I gave them bad information.

Donnie returns from the dead to play a laptop like a violin.Note to the NYT mag:
It is both irresponsible to your advertisers and idiotic to poll your readers about the impact of ads contained within the New York Times Magazine. You should realize that your readers are solely interested in the articles contained therein; ads are ignored or skipped entirely (especially those "Special Advertising Sections"-- seriously, who doesn't skip those whole sections?) to facilitate a good reading of the Ethicist or the cover story.... or to sadly flip through wishing the What They Were Thinking section was still extant. I can't imagine many people care or pay attention to the bevy of car ads featured in the inside cover. In fact, I would be willing to bet the inside cover pages are skipped entirely in virtually every magazine known. This of course, would lead to the question about why these pages are so damn expensive to advertise on. Either way, I appreciate your effort and interest in gathering my input; I also appreciate the dollar I will use in the vending machine at work tomorrow to buy a Coke. Amen.

A warning to those of you who conveniently forget to pay your credit card bill on time every month... ZING!

So sad... old googly eyes is gone

“It’s realistic. It’s about being in a long relationship and then getting into routines and that things get boring sometimes.” J. Lo reveals the secret to having a successul relationship: Getting rid of music videos of you and a toupee wearing actor buying each other fancy watches.

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