
Who loves ruffles?

Am I alone in my love for Michelle Williams' bathing suit?



Is it possible I have found a blog that righteously joins two of my most favorite things in the world-- music and cats? Indeed! Check out I'm so sorry for this and enjoy.
Next I need to find a blogger who scours the internets for pictures of panda bears and craft projects.




omg omg omg

can someone please start packing me bento box lunches every day? woah.


It's called a panorama...

It's really hard to get a good panorama from a hotel window... as I got further over, the tinting on the hotel windows gets more and more apparent. This is to say nothing of my shitty line-up skills in photoshop. Oh well. This is what Hong Kong looks like from the Kowloon side. And you can't tell from the picture, but it was about 95 degrees with 80 percent humidity... ugh.

good song: beirut, postcards from italy.


Do you speak Cat?

from cuteoverload.com, naturally.

Upping the ante on Big Brother... Meow Mix (cat food, HI!) is doing a "reality TV" show, on, yes, you guessed it, CATS! I just read about it in Time magazine and I was so excited to go check out the live cat webcam and was severely disappointed to see it isn't "functioning".


I checked out the premier episode, and all bad jokes aside, thought it would be good to have another webcam on the internet that was all pets/animals all the time. Think Cute Overload in real time. How come no one has done this? Am I alone in my obsession with cute animal webcams?


so yummy, so yummy

I recently came across Yo Gabba Gabba, a kid's show that RULES. And I say this without having ever seen an episode... only a trailer off of Youtube.

Download this song... It's my jam! Party in my tummy MP3


Pandas are the new Penguins.

I am OBSESSED with the Pandacam widget from the San Diego Zoo. If you've got a PC, download this shit... PC users: check out the direct cam on the San Diego Zoo website.

This picture is from this morning from the Pandacam. I feel like Pandas are rapidly uprooting kittens as my favorite things. Don't you want to steal him?

Another thing to love about Panda bears is their great names: Shi Shi, Wang Wang, Gao Gao, An An, etc.


Project Rubway.

I really, really love Project Runway. While I was semi-shocked and a little bummed out by the turnout of yesterday's show (Hi Chloe!), I am thrilled by the plethora of delightful articles popping up all over the interweb.

The first, and clearly my most favorite is the interviews with all of the Project Runway contestants and Jay McCarrol. As a matter of fact, skip over the other interviews with Creepy Daniel Franco, Diana Eng (words fail me), Meanie Zulema, and go straight to Jay's interview. Trust me when I say you won't be disappointed.

Second in the lineup is a pleasant but mildly non-memorable interview with Tim Gunn. He talks about how creepy Daniel really is and how Zulema was a crazy scary lady throughout her duration on the show.

And third... this is really old, but I have to put it up anyway... the most awkward moment on television this year...


Reattaching a Hem...

I have a problem with most of my jeans... they are way, way too long... and when I get them hemmed, they come back looking like crap. The hem is too perfect and it looks gross. I've tried doing it myself-- I trim away and roll the hem up and wind up looking like I sent them to the tailor- yuck. I'd heard about reattaching a hem before... mostly in passing when I bring it up with other my-jeans-are-way-too-long-sufferers. Today must be a magical day... I finally learned how to do it, albeit in a rather quick and non-fancy way.

First, try on your jeans and cuff them to about where you think you'd like them. I go by the front middle of the jean and apply the measurement the whole way around.

Next, take a measuring tape or some sort of measuring device and figure out how much extra is on that cuff... note: DO NOT INCLUDE THE ACTUAL HEM IN THIS MEASUREMENT! If you do, you'll be upset later while you pick out the tiny hidden seam with your seam ripper. I personally hate having to use a seam ripper. These jeans had a total of 2.5 inches extra.

Next, divide that measurement in half... this will be the length you want to expose when you go to the sewing machine to start hemming. So again, for me, that length turned into 1.25 inches total.

Take that measurement and go around the length of the cuff and measure it out. You should be pinning as you go since this will help stabilize the material and make sure you don't get a wonky seam. I really like using a sewing gauge for this part since it will give you exact measurements and is much easier to use than a ruler or measuring tape... That blue part moves around and you can get a perfect measurement.

Now for the sort of tricky part... you want to get as close as possible to the underside of the existing hem to sew the pieces together. If you don't when you finally get to ironing, you will be really irritated with the way it looks and will, undoubtedly have to use the seam ripper, which sucks. You should also be careful not to sew the hem down. You may be able to wedge the left side of the sewing foot into the underside of the hem area to get as close as possible. You can see I didn't do that since the left side of my stitch foot is way too big and I could get closer by laying the foot on top of the seam.

Once you sew all the way around, you have to iron this new seam down... it makes everything look proper so be sure you don't skip this step! Flip that chunk of material upwards and iron it from the inside out... this will keep you from getting a weird heat mark on the outside of the jeans.

Now try them on! Make sure you got the right length and go back and make adjustments if you want. If you have a ton of material wedged up in there and it just looks weird, feel free to cut it out. It will wind up raveling though as you wash it, so if you have access to a serger or know someone with one, ask them to serge the edges.


Can I get a taste of your ice cream?

I get a shit ton of magazines... some are awesome and some I just read to keep up with brand and ad related stuff. One magazine in particular, Brandweek, is one I get weekly and try to stay up to date on things most other people find boring: commerical reviews, ad placement, new product launches, etc.

Imagine my delight when I saw a very plain but bright page that only said: www.greatpointedarcher.com I was thinking, "what the hell is a great pointed archer?" Apparently, it's a rat. And more importantly, it's getting a makeover. If anyone can hook me up with stickers, let me know.

And if you've been living under a rock and haven't made Subservient Chicken do something dirty, head over.
