
"George Bush doesn't care about black people."

When Mike Meyers gets uncomfortable, he rubs his eye.

Thank God for Kanye West on NBC last night. Sure, he's prone to freak outs, but his two most recent media excursions-- first about sexual intolerance and now about the obvious racism that is ruling the Katrina relief effort (see above Mac friendly link)-- have been awesome... hands down. Not to say that this tragedy shouldn't be viewed without race as a filter, it's pretty obvious that if this happened in a predominately white or affluent area that the lack of real support wouldn't have happened. On top of this, why the fuck is it taking so long to help these people out? In the overall scheme of stellar responses to tragedies on the part of a nation, this rates as the worst.
Also, if you haven't heard about the Mayor of New Orleans' radio interview or Anderson Cooper's AWESOME response during another interview, check out this link to both from Wonkette, courtesy of Gawker.

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