
Say goodbye to constipation!

One of the many great things about Tokyo is the plethora of vending machines that sell tiny aluminum bottles of Coke and other cold beverages. They're on just about every street corner. In addition to tried and true beverages like Coke and orange Fanta, there is a bevy of "water". I stress the "water" part. See, there are water sorts of beverages sort of like our SmartWater (enhanced with electrolytes and shit) but I hear that it is a little more extreme than anything sold here in the US. I was warned, prior to my first trip about anything that was labeled "SWEAT". Apparently, anything labeled SWEAT or that has blue and white labeling... particularly Pocari SWEAT, would give you a wicked case of diarreah. Mind you, these are the drinks that are sold in nearly every vending machine and they look like regular old water. So either there are lots of people that aren't concerned about getting juicy on the subway or a whole lot of really constipated people. I wonder if anyone gets embarassed about having to buy one like how I would imagine most people would be when they buy Metamucil or prunes.

It seems to be very effective at vanquishing violet tones from your intestine. I imagine if you humored yourself with a bottle of Slaria and watched J. Lo and Marc Anthony's duet at the Grammy Awards, you could get the juices going in no time. I hear they're planning it acapella and Marc is going to wear tap pants.

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