I just started getting this Japanese magazine called Street Jack. Street Jack is geared towards men; they focus mostly on sneakers, but also shoot guys wearing a lot of BAPE and lady like sandals and really, really crazy shit on the streets of Tokyo. I look through it mostly to check out sneaker color blockings and silhouettes for work, but I really relish the ads in the back of the mag. In this other magazine I get for the ladies, Non-No, there is a bevy of ads on hair removal with ladies showing off close ups of their pits and weight loss ads with plump ladies shown before and after (I can never see a serious difference). Since I just started getting Street Jack, I was excited to see what interesting ads I would find in the back... I think I was even thinking about it when I ordered the subscription.
Oh wow.
I opened up the mag to the last pages and came across this pic. I honestly and seriously thought I was looking at cartoon onions.
Curiosity got the best of me on this one and I went straight to the website.... Although I really, really enjoyed the pleasant visual story in the beginning, the site as a whole was highly dissatisfying since I can't read Japanese. I babelfished it.
Holy shit.
I think the joy here lies in the discovery and horrible translation... and learning about turtle heads and the difference between the Cantonese package stalk and false package stalk.....Because I know you're curious.
Several things:
1. You are a perv. Total perv.
2. I know your multiple readers don't like really long URLS. Therefore, they should click on
for the same thing.
3. You are a total perv homes.
I'm ashamed that I actually understand that picture.
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