
poor, poor holden. he would be so disappointed.

Does anyone else pay attention to the new, or maybe not so new, sidebar on Friendster detailing the "top books" in your personal network? When I first noticed it, I was dumbfounded by the book at the top of the list: Catcher in the Rye. I mean, obvs, everyone read it in junior high or high school and identified with Holden in all his miserable glory. I did. It was my favorite book in the same way as Are you there God, it's me, Margaret was when I was twelve. I don't mean to be an asshole about Holden. The book is awesome. I love J.D. Salinger and still count Nine Stories as a special fave-- a book I even buy as a gift. But come on; I'd say the average age in my personal network hovers around 25. Let's find a new favorite.


Anonymous said...

So what's your candidate for replacement homes?

cielo said...

The OED.