
For those of you as annoyed as I have been since Page Six set up their horrible registration page that oftentimes just does not work, I offer you the blog version... all the same shit, without the registration and with pictures! I updated the sidebar, too.
Speaking of updating sidebars, what the hell happened to Luxury Fashion Forum? I feel like I have been robbed of really petty gossip and totally obsessive discussions on Balenciaga handbags. Blah blah blah.
And while I think this is the work of a totally obsessed, overly anxious dude, I have to point you all in the direction of this Beckham nude. The attention to detail is truly amazing-- except the herpes... they missed the herpes.


May the Force be with you.

Have you seen this shit? Watch Mayor McCrazy get Sith on Oprah about Pickles. Extra special thanks to Golden Fiddle for, perhaps, the finest nickname ever given.

BTW, does anyone have a Mac friendly link of Crazypants vs. Matt Lauer from the Today show last week? I missed it. SAD.



My fellow blogger, nee Lil' Goosechip, brought a fascinating website to my attention: Face Analyzer.

I love websites like this.

I take the Meyers-Briggs all the time to see how much my personality has changed from year to year. But this website, it takes the cheese in terms of being weird and impressive. Naturally, like horoscopes, we take what we want to hear and pretend the rest is for other unlucky people. Or in my case, pretend the rest is for some doppelganger of mine--a Chinese man. A Chinese man that makes between 50 and 100k. The site says I'm 1. Chinese and 2. a dude.

Upload your own pic and let me know what it says about you.